The Communist Party could not remain oblivious. Despite a certain inertia registered in his leadership and the passive accompaniment of some government initiatives, he has voted against the reform that raised the retirement age in 2018 and the amendments to the Constitution approved this year that enable the re-election of the president . As Ilya Iceland Phone Number List Matveev and Ilya Budraitskis argue, this allowed him to broaden his electoral base with voters more enthusiastic about that real oppositional energy than about his ideological mix of nationalism.
Some Iceland Phone Number List important leaders, such as Valery Rashkin – a Duma deputy and head of the party in Moscow – even began to build bridges and collaborate with leftist groups that are critical of the party.twenty. This, added to the emergence of a young generation of militants –such as Nikolai Bondarenko, 35, a communist leader in Saratov and one of the most Iceland Phone Number List popular political videobloggers– , collaborated in the formation of a real democratic alternative ahead of the legislative elections. of 2021. To do this, the lists came to include candidates from other more radical political currents and who were not necessarily affiliated with the Iceland Phone Number List Communist Party. The case of Mijaíl Lobanov is illustrative in this sense. Lobanov is 37 years old and is a mathematician and professor at Moscow's Iceland Phone Number List Lomonosov University, one of the most prestigious in the country.
He defines himself as a democratic socialist and recognizes as a source of inspiration, among other leaders, Jeremy Corbyn and Bernie Sanders. Throughout his career, he has Iceland Phone Number List been prominently involved in both university unionism and urban activism. Despite not being affiliated, the Communist Party approved his participation in the elections under his list. His campaign slogan was "A future Iceland Phone Number List for all and not for the privileged", and as a candidate he put aside the binary and abstract discussions proposed by the government and the functional opposition Iceland Phone Number List and, on the contrary,twenty-one.